I have written a very small utility, ETMODE.COM, to switch ET4000-based VGA cards into 1024*768 non-interlaced graphics mode. I call ETMODE.COM in my WINSTART.BAT in C:\WINDOWS which is executed by WINDOWS during startup. This way, the ET4000 1024*768 driver shows up in non-interlaced mode. -------------------------[ my address and phone numbers ]--------------------- Technische Universitaet Braunschweig - Institut fuer Datenverarbeitungsanlagen Dipl.-Inform. Andreas Hestermeyer Work voice phone : +49 (531) 391-3744 Hans-Sommer Str. 66 FAX phone : +49 (531) 391-4587 3300 Braunschweig (GERMANY) Home voice phone : +49 (5331) 31771 EMail (Internet) : hestermeyer@ida.ing.tu-bs.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------------